Is awesomeness even a word? Oh well, it is in my book. Anyway, I just want to wish all of the bored people who feel like reading my blog a merry Christmas. Or Happy Hanukkah. Or Happy Kwanzaa. Or any other holiday. I am a Christian, and so I celebrate Christmas. Tonight is Christmas Eve, and I am SO excited for Santa to come! Some people don't believe in Santa, but Santa exists in all of us. When we give to the needy, that is, we are the true santas. I believe in the big jolly fat guy too. And, to CJ and Yoshi, if a big fat guy puts you in a bag, don't worry. I told Santa I wanted a great friend for Christmas! Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Also, I have some wonderful news. A couple days ago, my daddy picked me up from my Mom's house. He said he wanted to spend some time with me. We drove to Tropical Smoothie. We went to go drop off a smoothie at his friend's house. Dad told me to look at their Christmas Tree, and one of my BFF's, Kiersten jumped out! I haven't seen her in a while because she moved, and I was so excited! My dad then gave me a small box all neatly wrapped. He said, "I thought you might have needed a pen for Christmas." I opened it, and saw four tickets to something. I put them aside and kept looking for the pen. Then I stopped. Turned around. And I realized, I was staring at four tickets to a Jason Mraz concert. I screamed. Kiersten and I made a poster that said "I HAVE MS. COLE FOR HISTORY," because Jason went to my school and had her, too. The concert was fantastic. He sang my favorite song, "I'm Yours." Also, I want to give a shout out to the drummers on the street next to the concert. They were really good. Now, I am going to Tenessee for the week, and I will be leaving tomorrow (CHRISTMAS!). I will post ASAP about what i got for Christmas! Here is part of my list:
A Hampster
A Unicorn
A fiddle!!!
A puppy
And other stuff I don't feel like mentioning because I am very tired and this is a very long sentence so I guess I should end it right now.
Adios! (Btw, that means bye)
Sis and Laney
My sister kate, (left) and me (right)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sawdust for a Stalkerdoodle
Okay, the reason I am saying "stalkerdoodle" is because it is an inside joke between Claire and I. Everytime Claire comes over, Tucker follows her around like a "stalker," but don't worry Claire! He just wants to play! Anyway, the "stalkerdoodle" got into some deep trouble lately. We got an extension to our back porch, and finally, after a lot of thinking, we agreed it was safe for Tucker to go outside. Well, apparently it wasn't quite safe yet. My mom let him out one day, and the next day, he couldn't stand up. My mom called him to come eat his breakfast. He wouldn't come. She called him to give him a dog treat. He wouldn't come. Of course, being as obedient as he was, he tried to stand up, but fell over each time mom called him. I was at my dad's house, so I had no idea what happened until afterword. This is just what mom told me. Anyway, Tucker is kind of, sort of, (extremly) overweight, and so mom had to get our next door neighbor to help pick him up and load him into the back of the car. It was very hard work. Mom drove to a vetinary hospital, and Tucker was treated to. He had to spend the night. When he finally came home, he had part of the fur on his front left leg shaven off! They had to inject some fluid in him to help with his constipation, and they couldn't see the vein with all that fur! They left about two-three inches of fur at the bottom of his leg, and he looks like he has an ugg boot on. Utterly Adorable! Anyway, the reason Tucker couldn't stand up was because he was constipated from eating the sawduat from our extended porch. They also found a toy dinosaur in his gullet. He is doing much better now, and remember, Tucker is the cutest Sawdust eating stalkerdoodle!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Doo Doo Cookies
Today was very exciting. We had a day off, because of veterans day. It was early in the morning. I heard the sound of my alarm going off, and set it to snooze. About 10 minutes later, I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs. I looked around. Something wasn't right. Tucker wasn't there, and neither was my mom, my sister, or John (my stepdad). I saw a peice of paper on the counter. It was a note! Here is what it said:
Dear Laney,
I don't have the day off work today, and neither does John. Kate is at her karate class. Take the vitamins I laid out for you. Tucker is at doggy day care. Kate left a chocolate chip cookie for you on the counter. Make sure you make your bed and get breakfast. Grammy will pick you up at around 10:00Am. You should call Claire and invite her to go to grammy's house with you.
Love mommy
So, an hour later, I was in the car with grammy, Claire sitting by my side. We were yammering on about what we were going to do that day. After showing her around the house when we got there, we decided to go up to the third floor and play with some toys. We came downstairs to make Snapz posters and have a quick lunch, and then we played on my iphone. We had a dance contest to my songs and when the music stopped, Claire took a picture of me frozen in my spot or vise versa. It was very fun, but the best part was making poop cookies with grammy. It was SO fun! Poop cookies are not what you think they are. They are cookies with peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate, and a bunch of other stuff. My grammy prefers us to call them drop cookies. Claire came up with a funny song about the doo doo cookies. Here it is!
After hearing the name of this product, we might sound immature,
But you're gonna like them for suuuuuuuuuuure.
Cuz they've got chocolate (chocolate!)
Peanut Butter (peanut butter)'
Thet might look like the stuff, that came out of a horse.
But you've gotta eat them of COOOOURSE!
They're Grammy's poop cookies (poop cookies)
Grammy's poop cookies YEAH!
Thank, thank you. I'll be here all night!
Dear Laney,
I don't have the day off work today, and neither does John. Kate is at her karate class. Take the vitamins I laid out for you. Tucker is at doggy day care. Kate left a chocolate chip cookie for you on the counter. Make sure you make your bed and get breakfast. Grammy will pick you up at around 10:00Am. You should call Claire and invite her to go to grammy's house with you.
Love mommy
So, an hour later, I was in the car with grammy, Claire sitting by my side. We were yammering on about what we were going to do that day. After showing her around the house when we got there, we decided to go up to the third floor and play with some toys. We came downstairs to make Snapz posters and have a quick lunch, and then we played on my iphone. We had a dance contest to my songs and when the music stopped, Claire took a picture of me frozen in my spot or vise versa. It was very fun, but the best part was making poop cookies with grammy. It was SO fun! Poop cookies are not what you think they are. They are cookies with peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate, and a bunch of other stuff. My grammy prefers us to call them drop cookies. Claire came up with a funny song about the doo doo cookies. Here it is!
After hearing the name of this product, we might sound immature,
But you're gonna like them for suuuuuuuuuuure.
Cuz they've got chocolate (chocolate!)
Peanut Butter (peanut butter)'
Thet might look like the stuff, that came out of a horse.
But you've gotta eat them of COOOOURSE!
They're Grammy's poop cookies (poop cookies)
Grammy's poop cookies YEAH!
Thank, thank you. I'll be here all night!
Monday, November 7, 2011
This? Or that? This? Or that?
Greetings fellow bloggers and bloggees! Laney here! I posted on my blog earlier today, but this is urgent. Well, by urgent I mean interesting. And by interesting I mean AWESOME! Okay...let's see... where should I start? Ugh. Blogging can be difficult sometimes. I hate when you can't start a post because the ending is so clear to you. Anyway, I guess I'll start here: I was on my way to my intermediate hip hop class around 6:30 this evening. I was excited, because I knew we would be getting our stage setup, our song, and a little of our dance for our dance recitle (okay, I may have spelled that wrong, but I am too lazy to look it up)! I couldn't wait. I could only imagine the song that we would be grooving to on the stage. I got there, and we did our stretches and our warmup. Then, it was time for business. Ms. Dance Teacher (I really don't know her name. Sorry!) told us where we would be standing in the dance recitle. Guess where she put me? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GROUP! Seriously! There are five people on my left, and five on my right. They each took a step back, except me. I was under a lot of pressure. I would be center stage in the show. Yikes! Yay! Yaykes! I really don't know how to react to this. Anyway, then she led us through the steps through the beginning of our dance. She said, "Okay! Let's try it with the music!" She turned the music on, and I froze. This song was the best song in the world. It is by Black sheep and is called "the choice is yours." I'll post a link at the bottom to an amazing hampster commercial with that song in it. So phsyced! You can go with this, or you can go with that. You can go with this, or you can go with that. Lol! Click the link and you will see why I posted it. No hurtful youtube comments! I don't want to be responsible for you being banned from youtube! Thanks! Click link for ultimate fun! Click link for ultimate fun!
Boots, Archery, and Dog tricks
Hey everyone! You will never guess what happened to me today! So, I was in my house, getting ready to go over to the bus stop. But, I realized I didn't have any shoes on. I hurried over to my shoe basket and tried to pick out a pair of shoes. Now, me being a very picky person, I couldn't decide between UGG boots or American Eagle high heeled fake leather boots. I put on one of each at the same time. I examined my toes, did eenie meenie miney moe, but still couldn't make up my mind! I looked up at the clock, and realized I only had FIVE MINUTES to get to the bus stop. I grabbed my book bag, said a quick goodbye to my dog, Tucker, and dashed out to the bus stop. My friends E, E, M, and J were at the bus stop. (sorry, don't want to give away their info without permission from them) They all gave me weird looks. I asked what was wrong, and they pointed down to my feet. I forgot to change shoes. I was about to sprint back to the house with my two different shoes and pick the first one I found, but then the bus wheeled around the corner. Too late. I guess the lesson here is don't look at things too closely, or you'll miss out. OR the lesson could be "stop being picky, because you might make a fool of yourself." So, after being bombarded with about 500 questions about my shoes at school, I just decided to reply to anyone who asked, "I'm setting a new trend." and that's all. So, later today I went to PE. I couldn't dress out, because I can't find my gym uniform. Me and my friend E walked toward the bleachers and sat down, listening to Mr. L give us a long lecture about being prepared for school. Then we moved into archery. He told us how to perfect our stance, steady our aim, and all that other stuff. It looked really cool, but he didn't get to everybody today. I was bummed. So, I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday to get a Bull's Eye! At the end of the day, I came home and took my dog for a walk. My dog is a goldendoodle. He is big and furry and definetly the sweetest thing you will meet with huge fuzzy hair. He is only three. Then, I decided to teach him a trick. We got an extension to our back porch (joy! A great place to teach tuck a trick!) and took him out there. I brought some treats out and his little tennis ball. I walked down the porch steps and fenced him on the porch with the little baby gate (we are growing grass; don't want Tucker to tear it all up) and threw his ball onto the porch. I held a treat out to him from below so he had to drop the ball. Everytime the ball rolled off the porch, I gave him a treat. If not, I started all over and got it again. I was trying to teach him to drop it so he could play fetch with himself while we were at school. Experiment: Make Tucker have more fun. Hypothesis: He will catch on to this trick soon! Outcome: Epic failure. So, after that I tidied my room a bit, and walked downstairs to type this blog. It was a very strange day full of boots, archery, and dog tricks. Now, I am getting a bit hungry, so I am going to get a snack. Tootles! Oh and before I go! Just remember this site isn't all about boycotting things, it is a blog about my life. L stands for Laney. C stands for Claire. And Boycott is something we like to do. So, tootles now!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Introducing... Laney and Claire's Boycott Clubs!
Hi everybody who has the time to follow this blog! My name is Laney, and I am 12 years old. Okay, that probably isn't enough information. Let me tell you a little about me. I am a girl, I'm in seventh grade, I hate Justin Beiber (sorry to all you beiber fans out there, no hard feelings), I love to write, I am not a big fan of yogurt, I have a dog named Tucker, and I have a good friend named claire. Claire and I always take the time to stand up and speak out for things we believe in. Like last year, for example. Claire and I (and our friend, kieran) were sitting at the lunch table. As soon as our table was called, we rushed to the lunch line. Our noses filled with the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchens. We dashed toward the chip counter and grabbed some baked lays. We rushed back to our lunch table and opened up the chip bags like we hadn't eaten for days. We were about to dig in, when Claire looked up, speechless. I went over to see what was wrong, and in the chip bag, was the most horrifying sight. There were only two chips in the bag. Thus, the lays boycott club began. We wrote letters to lays, boycotted their chips, wrote petitions, and all that other fun stuff. Finally, the Frito-Lay company wrote back. They said they would fill their bags more efficently. So, if you were ever wondering why your baked lay's chip bags got so full, you can give us the credit. Anyway, a year later, and it is us again, boycotting ANOTHER chip company, but this time, we are on the lays side. Those delicious, perfectly filled bags of lays in the cafeteria left us. We were so confused and sad. Then, Snapz apple crisps came along. They were the replacement of the best chips of all, the sour cream and onion baked lays. The Snapz look like vomit (and kind of taste like it as well), and we decided to start another boycott. We wrote a petition for people to sign (at a shocking 101 signatures so far! Go us!), we will produce sit ins (where we refuse to bring or buy school lunches until the Snapz change), make posters, print flyers, sell badges, blog about it, and much more. We boycotted these chips, and now, we just want them back! If you have any ideas to help Claire and I, post a comment! Thanks! I'll keep you posted!
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